Speaker Biographies  


Biographies for:

Philip W Anderson
Paul CW Davies
Brian Greene
Gerard 't Hooft
Walter Kohn
Robert B Laughlin
Douglas D Osheroff


Prof. Gerard 't Hooft (Royal Dutch Academy)
Nobel laureate, Physics

While still only a student in Utrecht, G 't Hooft had already performed the work for which he was awarded the 1999 Nobel prize in physics- this work opened the way for our current theory of elementary particles. Since then 't Hooft has spent much of his time studying black holes, and searching for a unified theory of gravity and quantum mechanics. 't Hooft is famous amongst professional physicists for his unusual approach to the most fundamental problems- which has often turned out to be right. He is also well known for his public talks, and he will give a the opening 'Showcase' talk, which will explain in simple terms where we are now in understanding the basic 'building blocks' of the universe.

Visit his webpage.


Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of British Columbia
Hennings Building, 6224 Agricultural Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada