Quantum Coherent Properties of Spins

Chemistry Department, Tulane University
New Orleans, LA
November 14-16, 2008

home registration local information schedule materials* photos*  * is password protected
A spin qubit flipping states also flips the field acting on nearby nuclear spins between two orientations (shown as arrows). The nuclear spin vector follows a path conditional on the specific trajectory of the qubit, so that they are entangled.

The meeting will be held in New Orleans at Tulane University in the Department of Chemistry. The Chemistry Department is located in Percival Stern Hall, 6400 Freret St, New Orleans, LA, (click the address for a google map).

For directions from the streetcar, see the map sent to all participants.

Pre-meeting arrangements

The Friday evening we expect that many of you will want to enjoy the French quarter and get to know each other. However people are coming in at different times. To deal with this we propose that those who can make it should rendez-vous in the hotel lobby at 8.15 pm, Friday evening. From there we will set out to go to dinner in the French quarter. Recall the hotel is the Hampton Inn Hotel, 3626 St. Charles Avenue.

Anyone who misses this rendez-vous, but still wishes to join us all, should call any one of the 4 organisers on their cell phones (these were e-mailed to all participants).

It is very easy to get to the French quarter from the hotel: take the street car going directly from the hotel towards downtown, along St. Charles Ave.: see http://www.neworleanshamptoninns.com/stcharles.html


Meeting arrangements

The meeting starts at 9.00 am in Tulane. To make sure everyone gets there on time and doesn't get lost, we will all meet at 8.15 am in the hotel lobby.

From there we will go the meeting room either in Sasha's car or on the streetcar (the same St Charles streetcar, but now heading West, away from downtown). The schedule is given below. Note that lunch and all other refreshments can be obtained very close to the meeting room.

We have decided not to plan a formal dinner Saturday evening - we can discuss what we will do during the first day of the meeting.

There will be a session of the meeting on Sunday morning. The timing is to be confirmed but we may start as early as 8.30 am - this depends on the times at which people want to get away to catch their flights.

Examples of magnetic molecules. Top: Fe8. Eight s=5/2 FeIII ions are forming a total spin S=10 (six spins are parallel and antiparallel to the other two); middle: Ni12 with a total spin S=12; bottom: Mn12 with a total spin S=10.