workshop participants
The Outing Lodge


Supersolid State of Matter

July 22 - 27, 2007
Stillwater, Minnesota

Workshop Participants

P. Anderson (Princeton)
A. Balatsky (LANL)
S. Balibar (ENS, France)
J. Beamish (Univ. of Alberta, Canada)
D. Ceperley (UCUC)
M. Chan (Penn. State)
A. Dorsey (Univ. of Florida, Gainesville)
B. Hallock (UMass, Amherst)
D. Huse (Princeton)
E. Kim (KAIST, S. Korea)
M. Kubota (ISSP, Japan)
N. Prokof'ev (UMass, Amherst)
J. Reppy (Cornell)
L. Pollet (ETH, Switzerland)
E. Rudavskii (ILTP, Ukraine)
K. Shirahama (Keio Univ. Yokohama, Japan)
P. Stamp (PITP, UBC)
B. Svistunov (UMass, Amherst)
D. Thouless (UW)

Workshop Organizers
Sebastien Balibar
Moses Chan
Anthony Leggett
Nikolay Prokofiev
John Reppy