Speaker Biographies  


Biographies for:

Philip W Anderson
Paul CW Davies
Brian Greene
Gerard 't Hooft
Walter Kohn
Robert B Laughlin
Douglas D Osheroff


Prof. Robert B Laughlin (Stanford and Korea)
Nobel laureate, Physics

Prof Bob Laughlin works on solid-state physics, particularly on exotic 'quantum fluid' states of matter that can occur in semiconductors or metallic compounds. He was awarded his Nobel prize for his theory of 'Quantum Hall fluids', and has recently been working on the theory of high-temperature superconductors, anbd on ideas about 'emergent properties' of matter. He is an outspoken champion of unfettered science, who also expresses strong opinions on the form that scientific theories should take.

Visit his webpage.


Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of British Columbia
Hennings Building, 6224 Agricultural Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada